The management of hazardous wastes has changed dramatically over the past two decades and will continue to evolve as knowledge of both the hazards and management methods grows. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to a complex interdisciplinary field. Part 1 provides background material for a complete understanding of hazardous wastes. Part 2 examines the methods currently used by management in industry to understand the magnitude of hazardous waste problems and how to avoid many of the problems of the past. Part 3 contains a selection of treatment and disposal methods. Because literally hundreds of such methods exist, the authors chose some of those methods in contemporary practice and a few emerging technologies to permit an in-depth presentation for the processes selected. Part 4 covers site remediation. This includes the characterization of a site, the assessment of risks that it poses, and the development and selection of remedies.
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... The typical bentonite slurry comprises 4 to 7% dry sodium bentonite and the remaining 93 to 97% water, the density reported is between 1.03 and 1.12 g/cm 3 [23]. It should be noted that the solid content in the fresh bentonite slurry depends on the bentonite quality. ...
... The water-to-binder ratio also plays an important role in the properties of cementbentonite barriers. It has been reported that a low water-to-cement ratio (2.8) led to hydraulic conductivity of less than 1 × 10 −8 m/s, while a high water-to-cement ratio (7.5) produced hydraulic conductivity of more than 1 × 10 −7 m/s [23]. This may be because the low water-to-cement ratio has a high solid content, and, thus, lower porosity. ...
Soil pollution is one of the major threats to the environment and jeopardizes the provision of key soil ecosystem services. Vertical barriers, including slurry trench walls and walls constructed with soil mix technology, have been employed for decades to control groundwater flow and subsurface contaminant transport. This paper comprehensively reviewed and assessed the typical materials and mechanical and permeability properties of soil–bentonite, cement–bentonite and soil mix barriers, with the values of mix design and engineering properties summarized and compared. In addition, the damage and durability of barrier materials under mechanical, chemical, and environmental stresses were discussed. A number of landmark remediation projects were documented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of barrier systems. Recent research about crack-resistant and self-healing barrier materials incorporating polymers and minerals at Cambridge University and performance monitoring techniques were analyzed. Future work should focus on two main areas: the use of geophysical methods for non-destructive monitoring and the optimization of resilient barrier materials.
... On the other hand, increasing the soil pH at high values (>6.0) favours metal fixation onto clays and precipitation, limiting the metal availability (Meurer, 2006;LaGrega et al., 1994;Fernández-Calviño et al., 2008). In contaminated soils, liming practice has been noticed as an efficient way to increase metal adsorption (Fernández-Calviño et al., 2008). ...
- Edson Campanhola Bortoluzzi
Metabasalt powder has been suggested as an agent to fix metals. The present study aimed to test the metal sorption onto metabasalt powder at different pH conditions and contact times in order to define the optimal conditions to ad/desorb copper and zinc. A competitive assay was performed using 8,945 mg/kg of copper and 11,518 mg/kg of zinc. Copper adsorption was 40.8% and 99.1% of the total concentration at pH 4.0 and 7.0, respectively, while the amounts of adsorbed zinc were 58% and 68% of the total concentration at pH 6.0 and 7.0. The maximum copper and zinc desorption magnitudes from the metabasalt were observed at pH 6.4 and 7.0, respectively, but the amounts did not represent half of the total adsorbed. These findings allow choosing effective parameter levels when metabasalt is used as an absorbent agent.
... Stochastic nature of the MC simulation is based on random numbers, and simulation models are generally easier to understand than many analytical approaches [18]. According to La Grega et al. [27], MC simulation can be considered the most effective quantification method for uncertainties and variability among the environmental system analysis tools available. ...
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation using Crystal Ball ® (CB) software is applied to life cycle inventory (LCI) modelling under uncertainty. Input data for all cases comes from the ENVIREE (ENVIronmentally friendly and efficient methods for extraction of Rare Earth Elements), i.e. from secondary sources eco-innovative project within the second ERA-NET ERA-MIN Joint Call Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials in Europe 2014. Case studies described the flotation tailings from the New Kankberg (Sweden) old gold mine and Covas (Portugal) old tungsten mine sent to re-processing/beneficiation for rare earth element (REE) recovery. In this study, we conduct the MC analysis using the CB software, which is associated with Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet model, used in order to assess uncertainty concerning cerium (Ce), lanthanum (La), neodymium (Nd) and tungsten (W) taken from Covas flotation tailings, as well as Ce, La and Nd taken from New Kankberg flotation tailings, respectively. For the current study, lognormal distribution has been assigned to La, Ce, Nd and W. In the case of Covas, the weights of each selected Ce, La, Nd and W are 32 ppm, 16 ppm, 15 ppm and 1900 ppm, respectively, whereas in the case of New Kankberg, the weights of each selected Ce, La and Nd are 170 ppm, 90 ppm and 70 ppm, respectively. For the presented case, lognormal distribution has been assigned to Ce, La, Nd and W. The results obtained from the CB, after 10,000 runs, are presented in the form of frequency charts and summary statistics. Thanks to uncertainty analysis, a final result is obtained in the form of value range. The results of this study based on the real data, and obtained using MC simulation, are more reliable than those obtained from the deterministic approach, and they have the advantage that no normality is presumed.
In India, waste generation is increasing due to rapid industrialization and urbanization. For ensuring the safety of environment and sustainable management of waste, the statutory guidelines, rules, and principles are set. It is very important that how effectively these rules are implemented. The Environment Protection Act (EPA) in 1986 and subsequently a number of other rules supporting sustainable management of wastes were established in India to protect environmental quality and reduction of pollution from all potential sources in India. Based on the 3Rs (reduce–reuse–recycle) and circular economy concepts, the recirculation of wastes through different recycling and recovery techniques developing business models is being promoted in the country. Several technologies have been in practice in India for effective utilization of waste, e.g., waste-to-energy, transfer–storage–dispose–facility (TSDF), composting, biomethanation, co-processing, and a few other processes which are playing vital role. The successful management of waste has turned into business models in waste management streams introducing integrated waste management facilities, which supports the treatment of multiple wastes at single facility, with time and cost effectiveness. India has experienced a robust economic performance in recent decades and could enable a significant reduction in poverty levels, citizen's better accessibility to energy, and enhanced accessibility to clean energy across the economy with a 9% growth rate target. India is on a growth path to achieve a USD 5 trillion economies by 2024–2025, making it the fastest-growing biggest democracy and large economy worldwide. However, the very recent pandemic COVID-19 in 2020 probably retards the growth to certain extent. The Government of India (GoI) in 2018 announced a target of renewable capacities of 227 GW to be achieved by 2022 and 275 GW to be achieved by 2027. However, the electricity generated from WtE plants is only 66.4 MW per day, of which the 52 MW per day is generated in Delhi by its three existing plants. The water in surface and ground water courses is being polluted by the discharge of untreated sewage. Sewage generated is 38,000 million liter per day but the treatment capacity exists for nearly 12,000 million liter per day. However, 100% utilization of the existing capacity has not been achieved due to operation and maintenance problem. Sewage discharge without treatment in some cities is a big challenge in India. The main initiatives supporting the circular economy implementation are Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) initiated in 2014, establishing set of six documents on waste management rules, incorporation of zero defects and zero effect (ZED) in SMEs, renewable energy targets, and the very recent release of draft of Nations Resource Efficiency 2019 and draft Battery Waste Management Rules 2020. The present study focuses on the trend followed in India regarding the implementation of circular economy and resource circulation.
Vacuum consolidation also applies a load on the ground surface, increasing the effective stress. While vacuum consolidation has wide application over a variety of soft and compressible fine-grained soils, it is particularly advantageous for the consolidation of clay slurries that are too soft/weak for a surcharge. The nature of the subsurface may limit the applicability of vacuum consolidation systems. The effective depth of vacuum consolidation depends upon the depth to which the vacuum pressure can be applied. The flow of water during vacuum consolidation is controlled by the amount of suction and, in the case of vacuum consolidation employing prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs), the depth is limited to the length of the installed PVDs. The success of ground improvement by vacuum consolidation is normally evaluated using field measurements of porewater pressure and settlement. Combining vacuum consolidation with a reduced-height preload can result in the same rate and amount of consolidation as a large fill without vacuum consolidation.
The ground can be improved with soil mixing by introducing additives into the subsurface while mixing the additives with the in situ soil to create a mixture that has improved physical properties, engineering properties, and/or chemical characteristics. Excavator bucket mixing is commonly used for shallow environmental soil mixing applications due to its low cost and short schedule. Soil mixing with rotary tools is also a common choice for shallow environmental soil mixing applications due to its cost advantages vs. deeper soil mixing methods and technical advantages vs. conventional bucket mixing. Cutter soil mixing is most widely used for DSM performed for geotechnical or geoenvironmental purposes where the soil mixing is being used to install linear elements, e.g. shear walls or cutoff walls, or for the installation of discrete elements, e.g. aerial bearing capacity improvement. Shear walls installed via soil mixing can be installed using many of the methods described above, including rotary tool, auger, jet, cutter, trencher, and jet/auger mixing.
This chapter discusses the areas of earth reinforcement are examined, including: Mechanically stabilized earth walls and embankments over stiff ground often involve the use of geosynthetics although metal reinforcement is also used. MSE walls are quick to construct, use a wider variety of backfill soils, are inexpensive, and can be easily formed into shapes attractive to architects and clients. MSE walls depend on the internal strength of the soil and geosynthetic mass for stability. MSE walls require good soil compaction of the retained soil and especially to the facing. Metal reinforcement serves the same purpose as geosynthetic reinforcement providing internal tensile strength to the soil. The all-important internal and external drainage considerations for geosynthetic MSE walls must be applied to metal-reinforced MSE walls. The difference is that MSE walls are constructed from the bottom-up and the reinforced soil is fill, whereas soil nail walls are constructed from the top-down and the reinforced soil is in situ soil.
This chapter focuses on the future methods in ground improvement is organized in a principled way to include developments in biogeotechnical methods, in materials, and in construction monitoring. While ground improvement engineering is a relatively new field within geotechnical engineering, many ground improvement technologies have matured and, at the same time, new developments are occurring at a rapid pace. Hence, for the purposes of this chapter, ground improvement methods that are in widespread use are discussed with recognition that there has been limited deployment for some technologies or only research and development for others. In the future of ground improvement, the reduction in hydraulic conductivity by controlled use of bioclogging will require additional research in laboratory and scale up to the field. Some smart materials relevant to ground improvement engineering include temperature-responsive materials such as those proposed to aid closure in ground freezing walls, and self-healing materials which might repair cracking that may occur in barrier walls.
The American Society of Testing and Materials and the International Organization for Standardization are two major standards bodies that publish test procedures to determine the engineering properties of geosynthetics. The relevant standards for applications in this text are: All polymeric geosynthetics break down in ultraviolet light, present in sunlight. Covering geosynthetics with any amount of soil eliminates ultraviolet light-induced degradation. Geosynthetics are standard materials for geotechnical projects, having engineering properties that must be evaluated before specification. Some natural materials, formed into geosynthetic shapes, are called geosynthetics because they are used for the same uses as man-made geosynthetics. Geotextiles are a type of cloth used in geotechnical applications. Most are polymeric, made of repeated patterns of multiple fibers. Geotextiles are made from fibers, which are sometimes combined into yarns that are entangled with one another to form the geotextile. Geogrids are plastic sheets with apertures much larger than those in geotextiles.
The slurry, an engineered fluid, is usually comprised of bentonite and water and serves to support the sidewalls of the trench, i.e. maintain trench stability. When mixed with water at a ratio of approximately 5% bentonite and 95% water by mass, the resulting liquid demonstrates viscosity, density, and filtrate loss properties desirable for stable slurry trenching. While CB slurries are used to fill the trench as described in this section, it is important to realize that mixtures of bentonite, cement, and water are widely employed in other ground improvement techniques such as grouting, in situ mixed walls, soil mix methods, and sealing of groundwater wells. The behavior of the bentonite at this early time in the life of the mixture has significant influence on the cured properties including hydraulic conductivity, strength, compressibility, and bleed. Diaphragm walls are constructed by excavating a panel in the subsurface using bentonite-water slurry to maintain trench stability.
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